Dealing with the death of a family member or loved one can be a very stressful experience and this is often compounded when the death occurs overseas. We take care of everything needed.
We hope that the following information on what to expect from the process here in Greece is helpful to you if you are faced with such a situation.
We are always following the worldwide standards of WHO (World Health Organization) and the health conditions for international transportation of deads required by E.U. in all repatriations as they are applied in Greece and the destination country.
And of course we can always arrange a ceremony - burial and even the monument construction in one of the cemeteries of Greece.
Here you can find the standard cost for an international dead transportation (includes coffin, preparation of the dead, embalmbent, translations,package, necessary transportations inside Athens, cargo cost etc.) and delivery to the airport at the destination of your choice.
The average additional cost in case of transportation through the Greek mainland to Athens is 1.2 euros per km (includes all tolls except Rio-Antirrio). Ferry tickets are not included. In case of transportation from the Greek islands to Athens the cost varies (vehicle - personnel - distance to port/airport, freeze, price difference in embalment, ship/airplane ticket, period of year etc.). You can always ask our office for exact pricing.
In case of sudden deaths there is an additional cost for the transfer necessary for autopsy. The cost varies (personnel, transportations, freeze needed, etc.).